Monday, December 13, 2010

The Spirit of Love

     The song by Faith Hill, "A Baby Changes Everything" is becoming one of my favorite Christmas songs.  It tugs at this mother's heart as she remembers her babies and ponders how Mary cherished holding baby Jesus in her arms.  I imagine she had many of the same emotions we have as mothers and some of the same questions. I am grateful for this mother who trusted God to give birth to our Savior. Her faith in God and her willingness to sacrifice her life to be a mother was a gift she gave to all of us.  I'm sure she would agree with  us that "a baby changes everything."  That baby's life and death certainly changed everything for me.
    My prayer for all of us this Christmas is that we will make this holiday all about His love for us and in turn our love for all others. Let us remember that God is love. Let us also remember that we  love God  because He first loved us and that without love we are nothing and that nothing we do apart from love will have any lasting significance.  The "spirit of love" is truly what Christmas is all about. I agree with the words of H. Drummond- "You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."  
                                                                  Merry Christmas with love, Pamela