Friday, February 4, 2011

Love's Focus

   I awoke this morning with a rapid succession of thoughts about love. The first one was how much God loves me. The second was how much I want to love him and others more. The third being that it is only possible because God loved me first and I receive His love for me.   Later on in the morning I thought of something my husband, Mike had done for which I was grateful. As I continued to think about his love I saw the parallel to my first thoughts of the morning. I realized that I spend more time thinking of how much Mike loves me than I think of loving him. (It should be obvious by now that I have a wonderful guy!)
     My focus of Mike's love for me has not created selfishness in me- quite the contrary. It has made me want to love him more and to give to him more. It has placed me in a position to receive more of his love and more of what he wants to give to me.  I know that God is love and that it is possible to love him because He loved me first. The only place I can get love to give away is from Him. As I focus on how much God loves me I will be able to receive more of His love. The more I receive means I have more available to give away, first to Him then to others.
     Happy Valentine's to all you family and friends who love me. I am very blessed to have you to love me. Your love is sweet and very precious to me. I want you all to know that. I have another desire and it is for everyone to know the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ Jesus.

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