Having been born and raised in New Orleans, this southern girl knows about lagniappe. For those of you who haven't a clue, in New Orleans, the term is used to describe "a little something extra," and it is pronounced "LAN-yap." It's a Louisiana-French word derived from the American-Spanish word "la napa" which originally meant a gift. Mark Twain described lagniappe as "a word worth travelling to New Orleans to get." You can find the principle of lagniappe in many cultures including the once norm "baker's dozen" in North America. Lagniappe in the true sense is unexpected.
There is so much lagniappe in our lives that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. You can't earn lagniappe. You can't buy lagniappe. You don't deserve lagniappe. It's a gift and you can't receive a gift if you think you deserve it. I'm convinced God smiles about lagniappe because it's all about Grace. We don't deserve his love and his salvation. We can't earn it or buy it. We can only receive His love and then turn around and give it to others. Lagniappe living is delightful. It's fun and it's rewarding.
I'll tell you about a recent lagniappe I received. His name is Will. He is the most wonderful gift God sent his Mom and Dad on April 18, 2010 and there isn't a day that goes by that his Mimi (that would be ME) doesn't fall head over heals in love with him again and again. Will doesn't know it yet, but he is in store for a lot of lagniappe from his Mimi, and I'm sure from many others as well. I've just begun this new journey of being a grandmother and in case you can't tell, I'm excited about it.
I hope you discover lagniappe on your journey today and then turn around and give lagniappe to someone on their journey.
The blog looks great! Looking forward to reading more in the future.